Michael HUTCHENCE  Hutchence online memorial opens

Rock icon Michael Hutchence's father Kelland has opened a memorial Website for his son, coinciding with the release of the INXS frontman's solo album. Kelland Hutchence wrote about his son and...

Rock icon Michael Hutchence's father Kelland has opened a memorial Website for his son, coinciding with the release of the INXS frontman's solo album. Kelland Hutchence wrote about his son and provided family pictures for the site, which was created by two fans in Switzerland.

It features photographs of Hutchence growing up, and tributes from friends and fellow musicians. Among them are Jimmy Page, Boy George, and Hutchence's ex-girlfriend Helena Christiansen.

The appearance of the site comes a week before the much-talked about solo album, simply called Michael Hutchence, is released in the UK. Hutchence had spent three years working on the album with producers Danny Saber and Andy Gill before he was found hanging in a Sydney hotel room in November 1997.

Kelland Hutchence called the album "the best memorial we could ever have".

Link: http://www.michaelhutchence.org/

16.10.1999, (ЗВУКИ РУ)

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Дата рождения:

22 января 1960