A mix of rock-pathetic of the 80es and stylish anguish of prison songs, combined with unexpected but familiar intonations of 'Voskresenie' band. Musicians of 'Prodolzhenie sleduet' insist that they've learned a lot from the music of "THE BEATLES", "PINK FLOYD", "GENESIS" and "YES". Well, their teachers were definitely more gifted than 'PS'. 'THE BEATLES' composed better music, 'PINK FLYOD' outplayed 'PS' in arranging the songs, and, in general, this album has little to do with rock-music itself. The meaning of the band's name ('To be continued') suggests that this story will have a great continuation - for example, the band will become tougher and will start playing some good rock-music. Or at least some good pop-music. Or rather good bard songs - judjing from their words and music, bard songs are the best decision for the band. 'PS' appeared in Angarsk in 1979, so they've already had lots of chances to become tougher. They have three albums, but this CD is their first experience. On this release you can hear songs written in the 80es as well as some new songs. Still there is a strong feeling that all of them are desperately old-fashioned. 'The life is passing, there are no changes, the themes are all the same', - 'PS' sings. Right you are: the themes - musical and philosophical - are all the same. This is the bad part of it. The good part is that the album recreates the wonderful atmosphere of dancing-parties of the 80-es. If you are nostalgic today, listen to 'PS'.
The band 'To Be Continued' was founded in 1979 by students of the Angarsk Institute, by Sergey Shalyghin, poet and composer. In 1981 Vladimir Voyakin (keyboards) joined the band. In March of 1986...
Подробности из жизни:
The band 'To Be Continued' was founded in 1979 by students of the Angarsk Institute, by Sergey Shalyghin, poet and composer. In 1981 Vladimir Voyakin (keyboards) joined the band. In March of 1986 they had their first concert consisting of songs written by themselves only. In 1993 they created a 16-channelled studio 'Angarsk Art'. During next years Voyakin and Shalighin has been working as producers with young musicians, taking part in festivals, producing several video clips. In 1998 they were called 'a legend of the Siberian rock'. The body has changed several times, they've produced 3 tape albums. At the present the band includes 3 musician, they are preparing to output their first CD 'I Have Learnt to Drink Alone', working at the studio of their own (fax (3951) 528500; e-mail: saa_ records@mail.ru, 3 dollars per hour). The CD contains songs produced in 80ths - 90ths, some of them are not alien to pathetic ('Chernobylskaya', 'We Have Grow up'). Melodies and texts can be called the…
1982 – На пробах в студенческом театре МГУ встретились Алексей Кортнев и Валдис Пельш, будущие основатели группы Несчастный Случай »»
Mel TORMИ (1925)
Peter CETERA (1944)
Dave MUSTAINE (1961)
Феликс ЦАРИКАТИ (1964)
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