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Ian DURY - свежие публикации:

  • СПРАВКА - ABOUT, 31.03.2000
    Ian Dury is the legendary English punk rocker, author of the song "Sex, Drugs & Rock-n-Roll." Before starting his rock career, Dury taught painting at the Canterbury College of Art. After having »»
  • События - Ian Dury умер от рака, 29.03.2000
    По сообщению ВВС, в понедельник от рака умер Ян Дьюри, основатель The Blockheads. О том, что у музыканта рак, стало известно еще два года назад. Тогда, объявив о своей болезни, он сказал в интервью »»
  • События - Ian Dury Dies of Cancer, 29.03.2000
    According to a BBC report, the founder of the group The Blockheads, Ian Dury, died of cancer on Monday. It became known that the musician was dying of cancer two years ago. At that time, having »»