Irina Tulubieva, photographer Natalia Loginova's lawyer, sued Moscow state academic symphony orchestra. She accuses musicians in copyright violation. Loginova blaims orchestra in publishing a flyer with the photos of a director/conductor Pavel Kogan by Longinova; and also issued a 1999 calendar with the like photos.
Says Irina Tulubieva, the orchestra did not sign a contract with Loginova and also did not put the photographer's name on the calendar. So she appealed in Moscow Basmanny court, demanding Rbl. 83.490 compensation, and also insists on confiscating the leftovers of calendars and flyers.
1970 – Джими Хендрикс умер в Лондоне в возрасте 27 лет »»
Louis MYERS (1929)
Michael FRANKS (1944)
Dee Dee RAMONE (1951)
Алексей ВИШНЯ (1964)
Анна НЕТРЕБКО (1971)