Игорь РОМАНОВ  Zoofeel's Fantazy

The zoofilic fantasies of Igor Romanov are not what we might have imagined. What we have before us is a high quality and rather traditional album of instrumental music recorded by the guitarist....

The zoofilic fantasies of Igor Romanov are not what we might have imagined. What we have before us is a high quality and rather traditional album of instrumental music recorded by the guitarist. That explains a lot of things. The musical basis of the album is the lexics- the lexics of the ⌠golden■ age of guitar in art and hard-rock. Sometimes it seems that it was composed for the most part to demonstrate the inventiveness and the talent of the guitarists. In general, though, the music on the album is pretty fun (which isn't surprising when the theme is the ⌠love of animals■). It is recommended for beginning guitarists.

По материалам: www.zvuki.ru

29.05.2000, Анна АРУТЮНЯН (ЗВУКИ РУ)

Игорь РОМАНОВ - свежие публикации:

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