A spiritual music concert "Praise Thy Resurrection" was held on April 30 in the Moscow Youth Concert Palace. The concert included the participation of an Old Russian church choir, as well as Anatoly Grindenko, Andre Selivanov, the Tver' group Roots, SCHS Band (St. Petersburg) and Ark, from Moscow. The apotheosis of the evening became the performance of the founder of the project Trubnyi Zov, Valeri Barinov. The father of Russian religious rock not only told his life story, his faith and work, but also played several well known as well as new songs, recorded recently in England. The concert also included a presentation of the CD "Trubnyi Zov," made possible by the group Ark and the company Sploshnov Production. The St. Petersburg group Trubnyi Zov was created in the beginning of the 1980's by composer and vocalist Valeri Barinov. In 1982 the group recorded a rock-opera of the same name, which provoked a rather negative reaction from state authorities. The repression that followed lead to Valeri Barinov being placed in a psychiatric ward (a common Soviet practice in dealing with dissidents or other unfavorable element). In 1983 he was imprisoned after being framed, and it was not until 4 years later that he was released and immediately offered to leave the country. Together with his family and most of the musicians in the group, Barinov left the USSR soon afterwards.
По материалам: www.zvuki.ru
1875 – Морис Равель, французский композитор-импрессионист, дирижёр, один из реформаторов музыки XX века, автор гениального "Болеро". В его балете "Дафнис и Хлоя" главную партию танцевал великий русский танцовщик Нижинский »»
1981 – День рождения Ленинградского рок-клуба »»
1981 – Первый концерт группы Зоопарк на открытии Ленинградского рок-клуба »»
2012 – Родился Александр Скляр - музыкант, автор песен, радиоведущий, актёр и профессиональный дипломат. Создатель и лидер группы Ва-БанкЪ. Организатор и вдохновитель фестиваля альтернативной музыки "Учитесь плавать" »»
Matthew FISHER (1946)
Peter WOLF (1946)
Jules SHEAR (1952)
Ernie ISLEY (1952)
Александр Ф. СКЛЯР (1958)
Taylor DAYNE (1962)