Attention: professional and nonprofessional designers!
We are announcing the third contest on creating the best Music Ru. It's evident that Music Ru is an animated and quite charming living thing, so it should become the symbol of our server.
What do we expect from her (we think for some reason that it's a she): she must be attractive, correspond with the native color of our server, fit the banner 468*60 and be able to jump (Kanga Roo is a friend of hers). All previous modifications suffered from being unattractive, besides, they were completely unable to jump.
The winner will get a prize, we promise. Not very big one, but extremely valuable.
2012 – Родился Пол Стэнли (настоящее имя - Stanley Harvey Eisen), гитарист и вокалист глэм-группы KISS, выступающий в "звездном" гриме и носящий ник Starchild »»
Ray ANTHONY (1922)
David TUDOR (1926)
Жан-Жак Перре (1929)
Валерий ПОНОМАРЕВ (1943)
Lew SOLOFF (1944)
Eric STEWART (1945)
David LYNCH (1946)
Paul STANLEY (1952)
Derrick GREEN (1971)