The real burden of a white man is probably to rear an inner Afro-American, thoroughly and lovingly. The temptation is unbearable - it was Grebenshikov who has said once: the black people have sense of rhythm, the white people have sense of being guilty, - the preference is evident. Having raised the inner black brother, everyone goes his own way. Some people feel happy and pay no attention to the dark side of life. Others play music. Funk, soul, reggae, - these styles are hardly available for white musicians, just like some distant regions of equatorial Africa. So we were pleased to see the appearing of quite successful Russian funk-reggae-and-God-only-knows-what-else project. It was successful in all senses of the word: the main song of this album has been rotated on FM-stations for several weeks, and this was not the only good track on the album.
Mikhey is traditionally compared to Jamiroquai. Though this comparison flatters Mikhey and Jumanji, it is rather accurate. They do have a certain resemblance. And that's not too bad for Mikhey.
1988 – Александр Башлачев, один из самых ярких представителей русского рока, покончил с собой, выбросившись с девятого этажа (в Петербурге) »»
Buddy DEFRANCO (1923)
Noble "Thin Man" WATTS (1926)
Gene PITNEY (1941)
Fred FRITH (1949)
Steve DOUGLAS (1951)
Lou Ann BARTON (1954)