Carlos Santana and his keyboardist Chester "C.T. Thompson gave a performance at the School of Art in San Francisco, which is attended by Santana's 16 year old son, Salvador.
"We are very concerned about education," Santana said, "in Northern California they spend $4500 per student per year, while they spend $35000 for every prisoner. Something has to be done about that.
Santana and Thomson played several compositions with the school jazz orchestra, including El Parol and Africa Bamba from the new Grammy-winning album, Supernatural. The first half of the concert, in which the students played some jazz and blues standards, Santana watched from the audience, and then came out on stage do a performance of El Parol together with the students. Salvador Santana also took part in the concert, playing the keyboards.
Дата рождения:
20 июля 1947
1945 – В Санта Анне, Ямайка, в семье британского военнослужащего родился Боб Марли (настоящее имя Robert Nesta Marley) - "Король регги" »»
1961 – День рождения Сергея Чигракова - музыканта, солиста группы Чиж и Co. Свою карьеру Чиж начал в 6-м классе, когда выступал со старшим братом в местных ансамблях. Чиграков получил прозвище "Чиж" в наследство от брата »»
Ernie ROYAL (1921)
Dave BERRY (1941)
Bob MARLEY (1945)
Neil SHICOFF (1949)
Natalie COLE (1950)
Никита "Зольцманн" ЗАЙЦЕВ (1956)
Jerry MAROTTA (1957)
Игорь МАТВИЕНКО (1960)
Сеpгей ЧИГРАКОВ (1961)
Axl ROSE (1962)