Everyone knows that the famous poet and musician Yuri Shevchuk was educated as an artist. But according to folk wisdom, "the apple falls far from the apple tree." You can see for yourself to what extent this applies if you visit the exhibit of the artwork of Faina Shevchuk in the Dostoevsky Museum Hall in St. Petersburg starting April 5. The exhibit will present 30 painting of the author, created over a long period of time starting from the Shevchuk family's stay in Magadan and ending with the St. Petersburg period. A major part of the collection includes still life with flowers. Among the works there is also a portrait of Yuri's sister Natasha by his son, who contributed significantly to the exhibit. It will continue until April 24, and it's possible that by viewing it, one will be able to understand how artistic talent develops from musical talent, or vice-versa.
По материалам: www.zvuki.ru
Дата рождения:
16 мая 1957
Bobby LEWIS (1927)
Ted TAYLOR (1934)
Sonny BONO (1935)
Pete CHRISTLIEB (1945)
Jeff CLAYTON (1954)
James INGRAM (1956)
Andy TAYLOR (1961)