Korn has posted "Falling Away From Me," the first single from its upcoming album "Issues," in a MP3 file on the band's Web site (www.korn.com), saying in the statement: "We want you to have the first single from Issues, 'Falling Away From Me' in an unprotected, no time-out MP3 file. The attorneys and the corporate establishment, who are so afraid of the Internet, said 'no way.'<...> Please listen to the single. If you like it, send this email it to at least 10 friends and music fans and ask each of them to do the same. <...> When you go to download the song, sign our guestbook. For each person who does this, Korn and ARTISTdirect.com will donate $.25 to Children of the Night and Childhelp USA, two organizations that do a great job keeping kids off the street".
1945 – В Санта Анне, Ямайка, в семье британского военнослужащего родился Боб Марли (настоящее имя Robert Nesta Marley) - "Король регги" »»
1961 – День рождения Сергея Чигракова - музыканта, солиста группы Чиж и Co. Свою карьеру Чиж начал в 6-м классе, когда выступал со старшим братом в местных ансамблях. Чиграков получил прозвище "Чиж" в наследство от брата »»
Ernie ROYAL (1921)
Dave BERRY (1941)
Bob MARLEY (1945)
Neil SHICOFF (1949)
Natalie COLE (1950)
Никита "Зольцманн" ЗАЙЦЕВ (1956)
Jerry MAROTTA (1957)
Игорь МАТВИЕНКО (1960)
Сеpгей ЧИГРАКОВ (1961)
Axl ROSE (1962)