НОГУ СВЕЛО!  Leg's contest of Bootlegs

The bootleg recordings competition keeps on. Moscow band "Nogu Svelo" ("Cramps in The Leg") plan to publish an album called "Kally" compiled totally of their bootleg...

The bootleg recordings competition keeps on. Moscow band "Nogu Svelo" ("Cramps in The Leg") plan to publish an album called "Kally" compiled totally of their bootleg recordings. Up to now a magnetic band album - their very first - lost 10 years ago and appeared in the contest now can be considered #1.

Meanwhile new material is prepared for a new, still unanimous, album. It will consist of 10 songs. Producer of the album is Brigit Angerhausen.

26.09.1999, Борис ЛАБКОВСКИЙ (ЗВУКИ РУ)

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